Accounting Services for  

Creatives need individual attention to meet the business’s needs since they have diverse income sources and need to meet certain tax requirements. Our accounting services help creatives make sound financial decisions by providing an accurate image of finances. Hire accountants for creatives now with Octa Accountants, who are among the best accountancy firms.

accountants for creatives

Get Started With Octa Accountants

Ready to embark on your journey toward streamlined financial management? Here’s how to get started:

Book free meeting

Book a Free Meeting

Make the first step here and reach out to us or schedule a free consultation through our calendar to get started.

Discuss requirements

Discuss Business Needs

You can share the issues you face with us, and we will offer specific recommendations to help you here.

meet accountant

Meet Your Accountant

Books and accounts are done by our accountants while you focus on nurturing your creativity in business.

Hire Accountants for Creatives in the UK

Every profession starts with a lot of enthusiasm, especially when you’re in the creative line; but to handle taxes and financial responsibility – not to mention, being the person liable for them – is somewhat demanding. Our accountants for creatives provide personalised accounting services for creative professionals such as musicians, designers, animators, writers, and many more.

Dedicated Accountants & Virtual CFOs - bookkeeping and accounting services in london

Dedicated Accountant

A personal, certified UK accountant for creatives manages your accounts, books, and taxes efficiently – so you can spend time on your profession and growing business.

Income Statement Template

Income Management

Many creatives make income via sale, commissions, grants, and royalties. Such income types are diverse, and there is a need to account for them properly and have methods to monitor them effectively.

Expense List Template

Expense Tracking

Various costs constitute the overall cost of creativity expensed to clients by creative professionals. These costs must be accrued in as efficient a manner as possible so as to secure the most favourable treatment of tax exemptions and sound budgeting practices.

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Tax Considerations

There are some deductions and tax credits that creatives can avoid. Our professional accountants have the expertise to find out such opportunities to save money by following the right procedures

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Financial Planning

As any person should begin to plan how to save and invest and how exactly their artistic career should lead to retirement, consulting an accountant can greatly assist in establishing a long-term financial plan.

Project Profitability

We give creatives a perspective with which to evaluate their prospects. We also give our help in the analysis of the money a particular project is likely to earn and aid in determining those projects that are most profitable.

Royalty & Licensing Management For Creatives

Musicians, designers and other individual creative professions involve royalty and license agreements that may contain a lot of complications.Creative professionals like you can benefit from an accounting service that is personalised to your business. Here’s what we can do to help you keep track of your financials:

royalty management for artists

Royalty Tracking

This involves ensuring that all forms of royalty revenue are properly documented and all payments processed in the correct manner.
licensing management for artists

Licensing Management

We are here to help the creative in preparing, editing, and negotiating licensing deals, so favourable terms can be achieved.
Stay Compliant

Compliance Monitoring

We ensure that every agreement complies with the law. You stay informed of any legal changes that may alter any licence agreements.
income projection (1)

Income Projection

Based on past experiences reflected in licences & agreements, we can assist you with gaining income forecasts for projects.

Creative Professionals Who Can Benefit From Our Services

We support creative professionals including artists, designers, musicians, writers, photographers, and filmmakers. Hire accountants for creatives from Octa Accountants to optimise your finances.



Artists such as painters, sculptors, and illustrators who are in a position to receive income from this source; commissions from the galleries and art exhibitions.



Self-employed designers who have to deal with fluctuating income streams can hire accountants to save themselves from the trouble of managing books and accounts.



Musicians and singers paid for performances, or artists, bands, or composers who receive money from live performances, record sellers, and residuals.



Self-employed writers or people who are employed in companies with a creative writing role, such as scriptwriters, book writers, copywriters, etc.



Photographers who are either working as freelancers or in partnership with agencies can benefit from our accounting services as well.



Self shooting directors and camera operators who may divide their budget between shooting and editing phases.

Accounting Service Packages For Creative Professionals

Every creative professional may have different set of needs depending upon their portfolio and career stage. That’s why Octa Accountants offer customised pricing plans for accounting and bookkeeping services.



Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Plan for small scale creatives in UK. This plan is best for people working on smaller projects.
  • Income Threshold: Up to GBP 5000 / month
  • Bookkeeping Basis: Monthly
  • Unlimited Bank Connections
  • Single Currency Support
  • Invoice Management
  • Monthly Management Reports
  • Business Growth & Tax Advice



Starter Bookkeeping & Accounting Service Plan for Growing Creative Professionals in London or anywhere in the UK.
  • Income Threshold: GBP 5001-25000/ month
  • Bookkeeping Basis: Live
  • Unlimited Bank Connections
  • Multi-Currency Support
  • Invoice Management
  • Monthly Management Reports
  • Business Growth & Tax Savings Advice



As the name suggests, Booming Plan is for More Established Creatives with a larger portfolio.
  • Income Threshold: GBP 25001-50000/ month
  • Bookkeeping Basis: Live
  • Unlimited Bank Connections
  • Multi-Currency Support
  • Invoice Management
  • Monthly Management Reports
  • Business Growth & Tax Savings Advice

Enterprise Plan for Creatives

A customised service plan dedicated for creatives with custom needs. The Enterprise Plan includes ALL THE FEATURES from the Accounting Booming Plan along with MORE customized features & pricing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions about our accountants for creatives.

Why does the creative require specialised accounting?

Artists have different financial conditions; their income is often very inconsistent, they are allowed to deduct many expenses that freelancers in other fields are not allowed to and averagely understand taxes.

What specific services is your organisation able to provide?

These services include Basic services which include Bookkeeping & taxes, Clients’ statement production, Cash flow management & projection for different projects and Creative services which comprises Creative finance & taxes, financial statement & Creative cash flow & project planning.

How can I get involved?

Approach us for the financial services you need and decide on the most suitable offer for you.

What is project-based accounting?

Project-based accounting encompasses documentation of functional expenses in relation to different creative projects, which is helpful in terms of cash flow and other considerations.

Can you work remotely and provide accounting solutions for clients?

Yes, we indeed provide virtual accounting solutions that are ideal if a client wishes to outsource their accounting services in London, and have a professional accountant manage their finances online.

Get A Today!

Every creative profession has different needs when it comes to managing finances. That’s why we prepare bespoke bookkeeping & accounting according to a client’s requirements.

Book a Meeting to discuss your needs and get a fully personalised plan!

Meet Our Clients

Ready for next step?

Are you ready to take your business to new heights? Contact the experts today to hire dedicated accountants for creatives in London or any part of United Kingdom.